Calling all

World Language Educators seeking:

Inspiration, motivation, and support for the rest of the school year and beyond!


✓ more JOY and FUN in their classrooms, not just for students but for themselves too!


✓ community that feels like family

professional growth, on your journey to mastery of facilitating language acquisition


✓ beautiful, ready-made resources provided in Spanish, French, and English


✓ coaching from a World Language Enthusiast, Master Teacher, and positive and passionate cheerleader who wants nothing more than YOUR success and that of your students!


... in an intimate, judgement-free community of like-minded professionals!

I'm all in!

Any of these describe you?!:


➔ EXHAUSTED and counting down the days til Summer Break! 

Lacking in motivation and support...


➔ Frustrated...resenting the lack of engagement in students!


➔ Department of 1 (or sometimes it feels that way). Eager for real support


➔ Exasperated and desperate for community, connection and inspiration


in a FUNK that you can't seem to shake... 


➔ Tired of the same old, and desperate for something new, something novel! ANYTHING to engage students and spark JOY


Struggling setting boundaries and establishing work life balance. 

➔ Constantly comparing yourself to other teachers, both in your building and those you see at conferences or online


What if I told you it didn’t have to be this way? What if I told you that there were teachers just like you, showing up authentically every day with fresh ideas and new strategies for their students.


What if I told you that there was a community of teachers ENOYING their weekends, not worried about the week to come because they knew they had the support of  a community of educators who share the same values, hopes and desires for their students!?


A community to LEAN on when needed and a place to gather immediate inspiration, motivation, and ideas for engaging challenging classes!?


World Language teachers learning, sharing and growing in a community... A community that is frustrated with the SAME things, but feels seen, heard, and supported.... A  community that YOU too, can be a part of...

Introducing La Familia Loca PLC! 

A community where you’ll develop and enhance your skills in delivering compelling comprehensible input through acquisition driven instruction!


Teachers like you are exactly why this PLC exists! This is a community where educators, deeply committed to creating communicatively competent, curious, and empathetic learners collaborate in an intimate one of a kind community!


After just  six months in our PLC Members of

La Familia Loca:

  • approach their classes with more confidence and JOY

  • teach and lead lessons as their authentic selves, modeling this for the students they teach 

  • apply new strategies and techniques learned with excitement that their students sense and reciprocate

  • begin to cultivate a classroom culture of risk taking where students feel excited about using the Target Language and actually SPEAKING!

  • feel prepared, motivated, and excited about their day to day work in the classroom because they're prioritizing setting boundaries and finding JOY in their lives outside of work!

  • lean on the positive and collaborative community, that truly feels like a family for venting, questions, feedback, and most of all support in a year that feels more draining than ever!



Develop and enhance your skills in Acquisition Driven Instruction in a positive and supportive community to unlock unprecedented JOY for you and your students!

This is JUST what I need!


Caroline- La Familia Loca Member

This has been the most beneficial professional development of my life and I haven't even got to use a lot of what we discuss. I mostly watch the recordings after they happen because of my schedule and it is STILL amazing! I love it here!


Alana- La Familia Loca Member

I don't know if I would have made it through this year without La Familia Loca and your support and encouragement, it has been such a life-changing community to be a part of. 


Blanca- La Familia Loca Member

La Familia and you helped me keep going for the last months, you reminded me how beautiful this job is. I have attended many conferences and worked with different teachers but nothing can compare to what you offer. Everything is so organic, so real and so natural that it truly feels like a familia, even when you are so far away!

Hi, I’m La Maestra Loca!

I’m a teacher JUST LIKE YOU, which makes my approach to coaching and leading in this community unique! I’m in the classroom full time, and I've been teaching with Acquisition Driven Instruction my whole career.

The last four years have been NO joke. Everyone in this community has leaned on each other in a way that we never had before. We really "needed" each other and I'm grateful for each and every member! 

Inside our PLC, I am passionate about coaching teachers to show up every day as their authentic selves, for their students, while developing and enhancing their skills in facilitating language acquisition. I believe there is so much power in how we "show up" every day for our kids and  I am SO glad you’re here!

I need a cheerleader!

Take a peek at our monthly framework! 

and this is our Individualized Familia Loca Professional Growth Blueprint!


Monthly Benefits in La Familia Loca: 


LIVE webinar! with La Maestra Loca

Monthly workshop streamed to FB LIVE. This session is directly related to the monthly strategy in focus 

Guest of the month! Live chat + Q&A session

Each month, we have a guest and expert in the field of World Language Education, join us for a LIVE Chat and Q&A Session! 

Group Coaching and

Hot Seat Q&A!

Monthly LIVE hot seat Q&A hosted on Zoom where members of La Familia Loca have the opportunity to ask me ANYTHING!.

Community Work Time + Group Coaching

We gather after the workshop to discuss in our cohorts how each month's theme will work with our grade levels.

Beautiful, Ready to Use RESOURCES!

Content, mini units, and resources related to the strategy in focus- Delivered in Spanish, French, and English!

Lagniappe Community Building Session

These sessions focus on our mental and emotional well-being and allow us to connect as humans and take a break from work! Think: Yoga, Painting, Trivia and Happy Hour!

A one of a kind, supportive, JOYful Community of WL Educators!

The secret sauce to La Familia Loca... The reason behind our name. The incredible community in our FB group is just the support you've been waiting for!

Here's what current members of

La Familia Loca have to say...


What would you give for a sense of JOY, belonging, community support, collaboration, and ready to use resources like the familia members in this video talked about!?

I would love to be part of this community!

And what about the 3 common concerns keeping you from committing?!

I just don't know if I have the time! What if I miss you LIVE!?

All of the videos are recorded and you can come back and watch them whenever you want in your membership portal!! The resources are shared to SAVE you time and the strategies are bite sized for easy to implement!

I don't teach Spanish + I am a high school teacher!

There are teachers of ALL grade levels, and MANY languages! Resources are shared in French, English and Spanish and ALL sessions are in our common language (English)!

But I'm brand new to teaching for acquisition!

Welcome! The focus of this group is to develop your skills, from wherever you are! Teachers of ALL levels and at all stages of facilitating acquisition are here! 

Just imagine:  

  • feeling part of a community of educators who have the same mindset as you and share your same struggles
  • opening your email to find ready to use resources, with a video explaining HOW to best implement them! No more scrolling TPT!
  • actually applying strategies from conferences you attend, with accountability buddies to report back to!
  • Asking expert guest teachers questions in monthly guest webinars in an intimate setting! 
  • You and your students feeling the confidence and JOY that comes with the implementation of new activities and strategies in your World Language Classroom. 

What would it be worth to you, to feel prepared, motivated, supported, celebrated, and JOYful about your work?

Here's what's included in
La Familia Loca PLC:

With this program you'll get:

1. Live! Monthly Webinar with La Loca ($100-value)

2. Guest of the month Chat + Q&A ($100-value)

3. Community Work Time and Group Coaching following the workshop ($50 value)

4. Ready to use resources in French and Spanish! ($20-50 value)

5. Access to the private La Familia Loca PLC Facebook Community! (priceless)

6. Monthly Hot Seat Q&A/ Group Coaching ($150 value)

7. Lagniappe Community Building Session (happy hour, yoga, Zumba) (priceless)

8. TWO DAY Virtual Summer conference full of TOP-NOTCH PD! ($350 value)

9. BONUS! Resource archive (🌟 resources dripped over 6 months- IMMEDIATELY released for annual members) ($100 value)

10. BONUS! EVERYTHING we've released since July 2023! Yes. EVERY workshop and EVERY resource!

11. BONUS! New Member Orientation recording to learn how to MAXIMIZE your benefits within the PLC!

Total MONTHLY Value =  $599<


Quarterly Subscription


Re-occuring charge every 3 months. Bonus Resources Dripped

  • All that is listed above
  • Bonus content dripped monthly for 6 months
  • BONUS! ALL recordings and resources (more than 16 hours of PD)  from our LFL Summer Conference (July 2023)
  • BONUS! Attend THIS Year's Summer Conference LIVE! 7/29 and 7/30
  • HUMUNGOUS Bonus! - EVERYTHING we've released since July 2023 this year! (Every workshop and resource!!!)
I'm in!

Annual Subscription

$449/ year

Most popular! 2 months free!

  • All that is listed above
  • EXTRA BONUS!-ALL recordings and resources (more than 16 hours of PD)  from our LFL Summer Conference (July 2023)
  • BONUS! Attend THIS Year's Summer Conference LIVE! 7/29 and 7/30
  • IMMEDIATE access to 6 months of bonus content 
  • HUMUNGOUS Bonus! - EVERYTHING we've released since July 2023 this year! (Every workshop and resource!!!) 
  • TWO months FREE!

3 year membership + Coaching!

$1097 / once

includes 1:1 coaching! (limit 5). ONE YEAR FREE!

  • All that is included above
  • BONUS! Attend THIS Year's Summer Conference LIVE! 7/29 and 7/30
  • HUGE 4 YEAR Video PD and Resource Archive!
  • 2 - 45 minute 1:1 coaching sessions with La Maestra Loca (must be used within the first year)


I love this familia SO much. It has saved me on days that I feel like I am failing horribly as a teacher. It gives me hope when I have little. It strengthens me when I feel strong or weak. I love logging into all meetings and activities. This has changed my personal and professional life. 


The resource drop feels like a mini-BDay present every month! SO excited!


Thank you thank you thank you! The LFL leadership team + community have been an amazing support this year. When I joined in the fall I was having doubts about returning to the classroom next year, but I can definitely say this group played a role in helping me stay in the profession. :)


I love this group. The positivity and support is unreal. Love has always been goal #1 for me as a teacher. This group is full of teachers that share that value. This is not just a Facebook group, this is a powerhouse of amazing teachers who just want their kids to see themselves for all we know they can be.


The community has helped me grow as a language acquisition teacher and find moments of joy in my classes while being faced with the daily challenging behaviors. Thank you for all your dedication to providing such support and such creative ideas. 


Amigos, I think I may cry.  This takes such a weight of my shoulders to have these resources!


I love the way that new ideas that you share help re-motivate me to continue to stretch and grow. I feel connected to other teachers and in that connection, there is strength. 

I've Still Got Questions

No problem - check out the most frequently asked ones below...