Episode 10: SunSationalSummer 2022!

self-care summer Jul 20, 2022

YAAAASSS! Checking in! Have you been lavishing your delicious summer?!?! Do you need some more ideas on how to add spontaneity, joy, and FUN to your summer days!? I've got you covered!!!

Join the #SunSationalSummer2022 challenge! More than 300 teachers across the world joined us last year and I can't wait to see how you're prioritizing YOURSELF! Whether you're on social media or not, you can grab this FREE resource with activity ideas in my recent blog post here:

SunSationalSummer2022 blog and resource!

Here is my drink recipe from the Brain Break in the episode!

Can't wait to continue to connect with you and SUPER excited to hear how you're prioritizing your rest this summer!

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Welcome to Teaching la vida loca, a podcast for World Language Teachers seeking inspiration, unapologetic authenticity, and guidance in centering joy and facilitating language acquisition for the people who matter most our students, I'm your host, Annabelle, Liz. People call me La Maestra loca. And I'm an educator just like you, and inspiring teachers is what I do. Hey, hey, welcome to episode 10 of teaching la vida loca. I am so glad you're here. I just wanted to check in on you and make sure that you are still lavishing every second of your delicious summer. Because it's just the greatest. In fact, I'm about to go take a nap. As soon as I'm done recording this episode. I'm gonna lavish the rest of my son's naptime and take a nap myself. In June I napped 28 out of the 30 days, y'all 28 Out of the 30 days in June, I took a nap. I know. That sounds really impressive. I'm impressed with myself, too. 


Last week, I was at iFLT in Michigan for the conference, and it was epically awesome. And now I'm back at home, enjoying what could potentially be one of my last weeks of the summer. And I wanted to tell you about a resource I shared last week at iFLT, specifically for enjoying your summer, like legit, just focusing on how we take advantage of the summer months and prioritize putting ourselves first and giving ourselves loads of joy, because everything else can wait. Let me just repeat that, pause. Everything else can wait. Literally everything. Because you all it's all still gonna be there in the fall. And the amount of time, effort energy that you put into it now, doesn't mean it's going away in the fall. And honestly, you're just taking away from yourself being even more ready prepared, poised and rested, to be able to take it on when you go back in in the fall. Or in the summer. If you live somewhere that's insane, like us and makes you go back in July.


Okay, I want to tell you about this resource. It's called the sensational summer 2022. Three summers ago, I started this challenge for teachers on social media. And it turned into much more than a social media challenge because all of my followers who get my emails started emailing me that they were taking part in the challenge, but they weren't on Instagram or Facebook and sending me photos of them doing the challenge. And I realized, Dang, this is so much bigger. And teachers need this, not just teachers who have Twitter, Instagram. So I started it as a daily challenge with a task that people would check in, check what the task was. And then be intentional about implementing that task that day. For example, it might be go for a drive with no destination, pick, take a picture of something you saw, or write down three gratitudes and share. And then like I said, it really morphed into something so much bigger than just social media. And so I did that for two years in a row. And at the end of the second summer, I was so tired after just like two weeks of this challenge. I realized like it was taking so much of my time to like, share and post and reshare all of these amazing posts with everybody that I took it in a different direction this year. And so what I've created with my friend of Jana is this amazing resource with 20 Plus ideas of how to maximize your fun in the sun, if you will this summer or not in the sun. If you're not a sun person, don't worry. But really had to be really intentional about your time this summer. And again, bringing yourself lots of very intentional joy. So I have this resource for you. I'm gonna plop it in the show notes. You can go and download it and you can start maximizing your summer. If you are person on social media then yeah tag me @lamaestraloca hashtag SunSational summer 2022 or SunSational summer, but that comes up with a lot of other stuff SunSational summers 2022 is the best hashtag to use. Also I'm talking too fast and getting excited and so that was kind of all over the place. Sorry, not sorry, not editing better to be authentic. All was on that note.


I think it's time for a little music. Did y'all know that I almost use that as like my podcast music because I loved it so much. And then I realized, I gotta find another way to use it. So that's why I'm inserting a brain break into every episode. It's so good. Okay, this brain break is really simple. And it's actually one of the tasks on the SunSational, summer 2022 sheet of activity ideas. Go get yourself a drink. Go make yourself one of your favorite drinks. Pause me, you can wait. Go make yourself a drink. And then come back and finish listening. If you're driving, you need to promise me that whenever you get to your destination, you're going to order yourself something delicious. Maybe a drink, it might be a treat. And enjoy that. Savor that. Yes. In fact, I'm about to pause this recording and go and make myself a Ramos Gin Fizz. And then I'm going to and then I'm going to take a nap. Hold one, hold one second, please. And it's delicious. Now I don't know if you can go and make yourself a cocktail in the middle of class. I don't know if that's a brain break you can do at school. But you can do like a pause everybody grab a drink of water. Especially if your students are bringing in the habit of bringing water bottles into your classroom. Hydrate hydrate, I guess that's how you can manipulate that. But we're not in school right now. And we don't need to worry about brain break for class, we can just take a sip of our cocktail, and listen to the rest of the episode right. Not gonna lie switch to my Coca Cola there, I'll go back to the Ramos Gin Fizz in a second. And I will also share that recipe with you. And you can thank me later, you know, or you can make a mock version of it. Why not? So good. Okay, um, Yay for brain breaks.


Okay, so you now have your cocktail in hand. And we can continue talking about how you are going to go and download this sensational summer 2022 challenge and start checking off some of these activities. Now, if you managed to check them all off all 20. And you will send me an email of the sheet. Send me an email showing me you have done all the things, I will send you a special something that you can use in your classroom this fall, but only if you send me a picture with proof that you have done all these things. And if you are a person who can just print it out and go check, check, check, check, check for a resource. You know, I want you to remember your moral compass. And I want you to be very intentional about implementing these things. And doing all of these things. Send me a little picture and then I'll send you a little something for congratulating you for putting yourself first and prioritizing your rest your self care and your joy this summer teacher because we can't do it without you. And we need you to be your holiest self when you step into the classroom this fall. So continue to enjoy your rest and enjoy your summer. I will be doing some podcasts reflecting on the conferences I attended. But if you don't want to listen to them until the fall, then I encourage you to just not shut off your teacher brain and enjoy maximizing your summer fun. I can't wait for you to join the sensational summer challenge. 2022 and thank you for listening and supporting me. Grace. Yes. I'll talk to you soon teacher. Take care!

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